
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

For Birthmoms....What Not To Say; Part IV

I would LOVE to make our next What Not To Say a post for Birth Moms.... but I'm not a birth mom so I need some help!

I've already heard from some of you but if not and you're a birth mom (or maybe you're not but you've had this discussion with someone), would you email me at and give me YOUR list of hurtful, naive, or even just dumb comments people have said to you? If you'd also include things people COULD say that wouldn't be as painful to you, that'd be great, too!

If you'll email me by Wednesday, December 14 I'll put our list together and add to it for a week or so... then I'll go through the list and add things that people could do/say differently. Remember that we use these posts as tools to help people know what they can say that won't be hurtful... but it's also ok to just vent ;-)

** Someone asked so I thought I'd mention that the list you share with me will remain anonymous... no name, no links to blogs, no email address~ Just a list :-)  If you DO want me to link to your blog, just let me know in your email!**

These posts are some of my FAVORITES and I love how everyone responds... if you missed our last 3, here are the links so you can catch up;

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