November is National Adoption Awareness Month....
So it's one of my favorites :-)
We have been asked to guest post on a few other blogs and also write reviews on 2 adoption-related books in the month of November... I am so honored to do both! (And it will be a MIRACLE, in itself, if I make my deadlines.... for real.)
We will continue telling the story of our second adoption journey but I thought it would be amazing if some of YOU would take the load off ME! HA! ...
If you have any experience with adoption; foster care, international, domestic, bi-racial...
Maybe you're a birth-parent...
Maybe you're an adoptee....
Maybe you've struggled with infertility and are trying to decide if adoption is right for your family...
Maybe you've struggled with infertility and are trying to decide if adoption is right for your family...
Maybe you have absolutely NO experience with adoption outside of what you've read on blogs or heard in friends' stories...
Maybe your thoughts about adoption have changed based on the experiences of someone you know...
Maybe your thoughts about adoption have changed based on the experiences of someone you know...
Maybe you don't have your own blog but you just have something to say....
If you're any of those and you'd like to write a guest post for On Loan From Heaven in the month of November, would you email me by October 31?
OnLoanFromHeaven (at) yahoo (dot) com
Let me know what the topic of your post would be (or throw around some ideas) and about how long you need to write it and I'll give you a 'due-date'... and since I'm praying that people are flexible with me, I'll be flexible with you ;-)
Be sure to give me the link to your blog, if you have one... if you don't, that's ok... and if you'd like your post to be anonymous, let me know that, too!
I'm excited to hear from you and to have your help in bringing awareness to the huge world of adoption... my perspective is limited and i have lots to learn, too!
My friend from church sent me this link. I would be happy to help. My older brother is adopted because my mom had trouble carrying babies to term. I am a foster mom of 2 and soon to be the adoptive patent of one on National adoption day! Just email me and tell me how I can help (just no book reveiws, don't have time to read these days)