2012 is a year I will never forget. There aren’t many years in my life that really
stand out, but 2012 is a year that does.
2012 is the year I met my 2.5lb inspiration. You have already read Lindsay’s posts about
Hunter’s birth and how difficult things were.
We moved, lived in the hospital for a few months and lived apart from
each other as we did what we had to do to keep our family together and moving
I’m going to fast forward through our two and a half months in the NICU
to one of the toughest things I have ever experienced. The day we were supposed to bring Hunter
home from NICU number 1. The day they told us he was going to die.
As we got closer to the day Hunter was supposed to go home,
we became more and more excited. We had
seen Hunter overcome so much and in our eyes he was growing and doing
great. The day Hunter was supposed to be
discharged Lindsay went to the hospital early in the morning. I got to there late the night before so
I slept in that morning. I had just gotten
up and got moving when I received Lindsay’s text. “You need to get here right now”. All I could think was, something bad happened
to Hunter. Lindsay had been essentially living by herself for the past 6 weeks so she could be near Hunter and she had been so strong. I hadn't gotten a text like that from her so I knew something was really wrong.
When I got to the hospital I went into the
NICU and Lindsay was sitting there crying with Hunter’s doctor standing in
front of her, his hand on her shoulder. I walked up to the doctor
and asked him what the problem was. He began
to explain that he had discovered something with Hunter’s most recent medical tests that he
had not seen before in Hunter's tests and had only seen a handful of times in his career. He proceeded
to tell me that Hunter would live a short life and his quality of life would slowly decrease As Lindsay was trying to hold
it together I was trying to understand where this had come from, why it had not
been seen before and I felt desperate for more details about this diagnosis. The doctor left, saying that he would call a meeting that morning with us and all of Hunter's specialists, and that we would learn more then. Lindsay had run out of the NICU already and before I could find her I had to collect myself. I picked up Hunter, kissed him on the head
and laid him back down. I walked out of the NICU as fast as I could as I felt myself falling apart. I did not want Lindsay to see me. I had to hold it together.
I walked into the courtyard and called my mom. I explained to her what the doctor said and
she started crying on the other end of the phone. I asked her make the trip to come help
us. I didn't know what we needed but I knew we needed family there. I also know my wife and I knew she was already on the phone with her mom. I knew her mom would come as soon as she could, too.
All I could think was “We have to
get home.” I had to get my family
and son home to some kind of normal life and to some of the best specialists in the country.
After I hung up with my mom I called our adoption agency. Hunter was in their custody until discharge and they needed to know the latest news.
Our agency is small and we have built a great relationship
with everyone that works there. When I
called 'D' (the agency director) I explained to her what the doctor had just
told us. 'D's response caught me off guard. "You don't have to keep this baby." Bad choice of words. Still, she was in shock, too and her intentions were pure. I don’t tell you this that to
be negative. I say that to tell you that
she was willing to do whatever she could to support US and what we thought was best for us and our family. We had another child to consider. We had to decide what was best for our
family. I immediately cut her off and
without thinking, the words just came out…”This is our son and we aren’t going
anywhere. We are not leaving him. I just have to figure out how to get him home. Quickly.” Hunter had fought so hard to get to this
point. What kind of person would I be if
I gave up on him now? How could I look
at myself every morning or explain to Hannah what happened, what WE did, if we quit on
him? I have never had to make a decision
like that. One that involved life or
death. Lindsay and I didn’t need to discuss it, we
were both on the same page. This was our
son. I said it the first time I held
him and I knew she felt the same way.
I hung up the phone and reaction mode
kicked in. Now I have to figure out what
to do. I have to get Hunter to
home. That is where we have
support, friends, family, church and that is where one of the best children’s
hospitals in the country is. It’s time to be
a man and make big decisions. I pulled
myself together, got a drink of water and went back into the NICU. Lindsay was already back with Hunter, holding
him. I couldn't make eye contact with her yet. I looked at the doctor who had just
given us Hunter’s death sentence and told him to call the hospital closest to us and
arrange transportation. By this time,
some family members who had connections at that Children's hospital had already
called and spoken to the hospital administrator. They sent a jet and team of people to pick
Hunter up. Hunter was on the plane and
in his new NICU in less than 2 hours. (Read
Lindsay’s post about the first time Hannah met her brother). We cancelled our meeting, requested that every single medical record be sent IN PAPER to the next NICU, and we loaded up the cars and made plans to get home as
fast as we could.
In my hurry to get to the NICU that morning, I had grabbed my ipad on the way out the door. After the phone call with our agency I picked
up my iPad and opened Pastor Steven Furtick’s book “Sun Stand Still”. I had read the book three times before and I
always got something new out of it. This time I was reading for specific phrases.
I was looking for a promise that everything would be ok. I read the same verse over and over again....
Joshua 1:5 5 “No one will be able to stand against you all
the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will
never leave you nor forsake you.”
I have
loved this verse since I was young. I
like to consider it my life verse. But
this time it had a whole different meaning;
Whatever the outcome, good or bad, God was going to be with us. He alone would get us through anything. I had a responsibility to trust him and listen. He would tell me what I needed to do to help my family. To help my son. He had brought us this far and he would take
care of the rest. He would never leave
us or forsake us. This was His plan for
our lives at this moment and that was all that mattered. Everything else was secondary. It was like God kept telling me to be
still…just be still. Then I read another
14:14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”.
would be ok. I didn't know what that looked like at that moment but I had to trust the God who had already saved my son too many times to count. He would be ok.
There is something very special about both of our children. Hannah has the sweetest heart of any child I have ever known. She is an angel. Hunter is tough as nails. He is a fighter. He is not going to give up. God brought him this far and he didn’t bring him this far to let something bad happen. He didn't bring him this far so he could die. I like to think I realized all of this the first time I held Hunter, but the truth is, I had thought about it, but I didn’t really believe it. I didn’t have enough faith to truly believe it. I couldn’t guarantee that something bad wouldn’t happen. I didn't find that guarantee but I did find God's promise to never leave us and to fight for us. Hunter had fought hard already but now I knew with all my heart that God was in the fight with him.
As you know now, Hunter is growing and thriving. I'll let Lindsay finish the story of this miracle in another post. As a husband and father there are no words to
describe what it’s like to see your family in turmoil. The worst part is that you are
expected to be the strong one and the one who holds it together for everyone else. I have bared the weight of that responsibility since
I was a kid. I have to tell you, I have
never prayed and trusted God more at any other time in my life than I did when
we decided to take our son home. To top it off, we were taking him home against the advice of the doctor's who had known him since birth. I was terrified. What if Hunter doesn’t make it? How are we going to explain all of this to
Hannah? How is Lindsay going to hold up
through all of this? How much more can she take?
Then I realized….we
don’t have time to worry about these things…..and we don’t need to. God was telling us to trust him and let him
show the world how big He is.
“….… don’t you dare let the magnitude of your fears send you
back to dry land. Keep moving out
deeper. Keep reaching up.”
I have
learned more from Hunter than he may ever learn from me. He is a strong young man with determination,
fight and perseverance. He will go far
in life. I have no doubt about
that. He will accomplish whatever he
wants in life. I will never forget the
late nights I would go to the hospital and hold him because I had been gone all
week and just wanted to see him. I would
have held him all night if I could. I
always told him to keep fighting and that Daddy was here and I would do
anything I could to take care of him.
The thing I didn’t realize is that I needed Hunter more than he needed
me. Hunter personifies the faith of a
child. The faith God calls all of us to
have in Luke 18:17. God had placed his hand on this baby and
promised him a future. Now God was using
Hunter to show me that he had a plan for us.
His plan would grow my faith to levels I have never experienced and he
used and is still using Hunter to do that. I prayed
Sun Stand Still prayers many times when Hunter was in the hospital. I prayed harder than I have ever prayed for
anything in my life. I tried hard to
hide any emotions from Lindsay and Hannah because I was afraid if they saw me
worry or be afraid it would bring everyone down. I had to remain positive and upbeat even when
we were all physically and emotionally exhausted. But I also had to learn how to be vulnerable. The emotions were real and I needed to feel them. I learned that Lindsay needed to see me feel them, too. Then I would go to the hospital by myself,
hold my son and pray. Pray for him, pray
for strength, pray for understanding and pray that God would get us all home
soon. To whatever 'home' he chose.
Every time
I hold Hunter I think about where he came from.
I still see that little boy fighting for life. But the thing that will always stand out to
me is the audacious faith that Hunter has in him and the faith he has brought out in
everyone who experienced this time in our lives. I've seen Hunter's story bring out the faith of people who read this blog, too. Hunter lives a Sun Stand Still life. God used
this 2.5 pound miracle to turn my life upside down and radically alter my faith.
Through all of this, the biggest thing I have realized is
that God isn’t the one who tests our faith.
People and circumstances test our faith.
God never changes. He never has
and never will. He has promised us that. Faith is believing that our God is bigger
than any circumstance. The hardest part
of faith is remembering that when you are staring your circumstance in the eye,
God won’t blink.
I would encourage each of you, no matter where you are or what you're going through to read Sun Stand Still by Pastor
Furtick. I hope that at some point in
your life you experience a time that will be etched into your memory as a time
that grew your faith exponentially. If
you have already experienced that time, I hope you will continue to build on
it. Never forget the promise we have been given...
14:14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”.
doesn’t promise that everything will always be “ok”. Sometimes the outcome isn’t what we want but
it is the outcome God wants. I had to be ok with that, too. Despite the
circumstances or outcome he will never leave us. He is always there and will always fight for
us. He fought for Hunter and he will
fight for you. Not only did he fight for
Hunter, he brought Hunter home and at the same time he brought me home. So when you feel like you have gone as far as
you can and the world is testing your faith….LET IT!! Because the more your faith is tested the
more God can show off. Keep going, keep
moving forward and you may just witness a miracle.
~ Joey
** I am very proud of my wife and the thousands
of people she has reached through this blog.
Lindsay is blessed with the gift of writing and reaching people through
her words. I know God is using her in mighty ways. She is a wonderful wife and
such an amazing mother. I am very lucky that God chose her for me. **

And Lindsay is lucky that God chose you for her!!
ReplyDeleteBoth of you?! I am so jealous of the gift you BOTH have for writing. Hunter's story is unbelieveable and Lindsay, you have written is so beautifully. But hearing part of the story from a Daddy brings another element to the table. Thank you for sharing so much of your faith. You've caused me to stop and think about mine many times.
ReplyDelete~ Kim
Joey, I agree with the others! Your version of the story just adds a new depth to this story. Reading the story from a daddy's perspective and seeing the way you allowed God to lead you in this journey is just beautiful. You and Lindsay both tell the story so beautifully! God definitely sent Hannah and Hunter to the right parents!