
Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Guest Post: Surviving Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly

A few months ago, I was contacted by the team who works for Sarah over at the Baby Flat Head Syndrome website... they had run across Hunter's journey with his DocBand and asked me to write a guest post in order to help them raise awareness for Plagiocephaly, Brachycephaly, and other forms of 'flat head syndrome' in infants.

Sarah is doing an amazing job at raising awareness for what she calls 'baby flat head syndrome'... and if you know us at all, you'll remember our own 'baby flat head'...

Remember him??

I barely do!

Sarah's biggest goal is to decrease the number of infants who have to be treated with bands by providing new parents with all of the information they need about the importance of tummy time, new pillows that help decrease the chances of 'flat heads', and by describing in amazing detail exactly how bone structures change when a baby's head starts to flatten... like our sweet boy's did; 

I was so honored that she asked me to help her with such an important cause and with something that is so close to my own heart!

Head over to Sarah's blog to read Hunter's story and be sure to leave her some love, too... and if you know anyone who is expecting a baby or who has an infant, please click 'share' and help Sarah raise awareness!

Sarah~ Thank you so much for all you're doing for this generation of precious babies... and thank you for the opportunity to share our own story that is so close to my heart!


  1. thank you for sharing this. My son is 4 months old and like you i was concerned about my sons head shape and so we are probably going to get him in a helmet at 5 months. Glad it went to so well for your son and thanks again for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your comment! Let me know if you have any questions along the way and good luck!!

  2. I know a couple of friends whose babies needed to wear a helmet for awhile. It really helped quickly.

    1. I love those success stories! Thanks for stopping by, Kristen!

  3. What a great blog post full of valuable information! #Sitsblogging

    1. Well thanks, Kimberly :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love the name of your blog! I also had friends whose baby wore a helmet for awhile. #sitsblogging

  5. I love the name of your blog! So many posts I could read!!!! #sitsblogging

    1. Thanks so much.... keep coming ;-) I can't wait to catch up on you a little, too!

  6. This post is amazing. Actually, I've read several of your posts and they are absolutely amazing. I really had no idea that this type of syndrome existed. Thank you for teaching me something new today!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments ... the best kind :-)

  7. As a soon to be mommy, this is definitely something I am interested in learning more about! Thank you for sharing! #sitsblogginb

    1. Congrats, Lauren! Just be sure you make tummy time a priority and you'll be fine:-)

  8. Great topic to raise awareness for! My son had slight plagiocephaly from being jammed against my too tiny pelvis in utero, but we didn't end up needing a helmet. I definitely think using baby carriers lots instead of having him in bouncy seats and carseats and such helped prevent it from getting worse!


    1. I agree completely about the carriers! Our daughter basically lived in her's but Hunter's time in the NICU kind of trumped what I could do at home :-/

  9. Very enlightening. I hadn't read much about this before. #SITSblogging

  10. What a great article. I love reading pieces raising awareness, spreading knowledge, and helping others from their own experiences. It's wonderful that you took the time to do all three of these. :)

    Stopping by from #SITSBlogging

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Thank you for sharing this informative post! I have heard of this before but never knew anyone with a baby that had this before! #sitsblogging

    Kim ~ This Ole Mom

  12. I have a daughter with plagiocephaly. She also has Wormian Bones in there, exarcerbating the issue. I was very worried and asked at every single dr visit, and kept getting shut down. Finally someone realized it was serious at 9-10 months of age. It was too late. Thankfully, it does not effect her brain, and is only cosmetic. She is almost 9, and will always have a flat head, with small divots.

  13. We didn't have a good Pediatrician until our Preemie was almost 2 years old, so yes our son has a flat head and was a little pointy in the front for a while. I finally asked about having him fitted for a helmet, but we were advised that it probably wouldn't be an issue. I love his little head. It's really REALLY hard to tell now, but it could have been even better. Thank you for sharing this information!!!


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