This post is bound to spark some debate... And I'm ok with that! To each their own... An infertility/ adoption blogging mama trying her hand at a fashion post is sure to get interesting ;-) just be nice!
While I don't consider myself an extremely 'fashion-forward' girl, I do love a cute outfit and big jewelry with some edge... and so I'm super excited for my first Spring/Summer fashion post!
I have been honored over the past few months to get to know some amazingly beautiful and super fun Lifestyle bloggers through an online community in which they have graciously included me... I have loved every second of getting to know these ladies and I think their flare for all-things-style might be rubbing off on me a little ;-)
The incredibly talented Andi from My Beautiful Adventures came over recently and took some gorgeous photos of a few of the most amazing bloggers and myself as we put together some of our favorite Spring/Summer must-haves!
The reason for my new-found interest in a Mama's fashion post;
... the stay at home Mama who blames her 'stay at home' status for her 'inability' to be cute....
... the stay at home Mama who blames her 'stay at home' status for her 'inability' to be cute....
It's not every mama... and every mama absolutely has a reason...
This mama gig is HARD... and it takes TIME!
But... if that's you, blaming your kiddos for your sweatpants, pony-tail, and t-shirts doesn't work anymore.
A few days a week? Sure. Most days? Ok. Every day? Nope.
Sorry... not sorry ;-)
It really all comes down to YOU... taking time for YOU and allowing your kiddos to see you do that once in a while! It's important... because YOU are important!
It really all comes down to YOU... taking time for YOU and allowing your kiddos to see you do that once in a while! It's important... because YOU are important!
Looking amazing is not most important... But YOU are, and for some of us, taking time for us is what makes us exude that confidence we want our kids to see!
Topping my list of absolute favorites for Spring/Summer are camo, geometric shapes, floral prints, and gold....
and the biggest thing of all...
I'm super cheap.
I'll splurge on food, wine, and underwear but that's about it...
I'm super cheap.
I'll splurge on food, wine, and underwear but that's about it...
It's completely possible to look cute and not allow it to take up your morning calendar and start your day off on the wrong foot...
Every woman needs to spend some time finding her easiest morning routine...
a routine that includes YOU... because that's who's missing from most busy family morning routines...
and that's not ok.
Here's my routine... It's not my every day routine and It won't work for everyone but someone asked so I'll share ;-)
* Shower at night~ Going to bed with wet hair isn't for everyone and isn't for every hair type, but for straight hair, I've found that sleeping on wet hair gives my hair SO much more volume the next morning! I wet my hair in the sink/bath first thing in the morning and tie it up with a towel while I do my make-up... and blow-drying 'wetted down hair' versus 'soaking wet shower hair' takes significantly less time!
* Make-up~ 5 minutes TOPS! On a normal day; Concealer, loose powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss.
That's it!
On a 'fancier' day I'll include foundation, eye liner, and more eye shadow than usual... 10 minutes TOPS!
* Hair~ When my make-up is done, my hair is fairly dry and you'll have amazing volume after it being in a towel on top of your head for 10-15 minutes! Some mousse and oil, blow dry, straighten... DONE! 15 minutes TOPS! Keeping my hair stuff in the half bath downstairs allows me to oversee the kids while they eat breakfast or get ready for school while I get ready.
And I'm done.
Now c'mon... a pony tail?! Every day?!
If your hair is tough or mornings are just too much, try a cute top-knot, braid, or headband... all super cute and can do wonders to just make you feel like YOU!
I wash my hair about 2-3 times a week, depending on what we have going on that week... on my 'off' days, dry shampoo is my LIFESAVER! A few sprays on day or 2-old hair, flip it over, blow dry and brush for a couple minutes and you're done!
* Fashion~ Spring and Summer are the easiest and most fun time of year to enjoy fun fashion! You can get away with a simple, cute sun dress and flip flops... capri pants, a simple top, and fun jewelry... or cute shorts, a colorful patterned shirt, and a few signature jewelry pieces! We all have every one of those items in our closets!
Andi took these photos this past Spring so while it may be too hot where you are for some of what I'm wearing, the main point is how simple yet classy and put together you can look with little effort, using what's in your closet, or by getting a few inexpensive basics for your wardrobe!
Every day fashion;
Dressing up a casual outfit;
Distressed Capri pants; Kohls $10 (on sale)
Patterned Top; Target $10 (on sale)
Navy Heels; Marshalls $20 (on sale)
That's it, Mamas! I would love to see more Mamas spend a little more time on themselves... make it a challenge; 2 days a week is a great start! I love that Hannah can see me with a healthy balance of 'casual' and 'confident'.... and that Joey can see me in that same balance!
NOW... for some REAL fashion expertise, head over to these ladies' blogs and see what they have to say... they're the pros and I LOVE following their trends!
Jaime from Sunflowers and Stilettos
Every woman needs to spend some time finding her easiest morning routine...
a routine that includes YOU... because that's who's missing from most busy family morning routines...
and that's not ok.
Here's my routine... It's not my every day routine and It won't work for everyone but someone asked so I'll share ;-)
* Shower at night~ Going to bed with wet hair isn't for everyone and isn't for every hair type, but for straight hair, I've found that sleeping on wet hair gives my hair SO much more volume the next morning! I wet my hair in the sink/bath first thing in the morning and tie it up with a towel while I do my make-up... and blow-drying 'wetted down hair' versus 'soaking wet shower hair' takes significantly less time!
* Make-up~ 5 minutes TOPS! On a normal day; Concealer, loose powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss.
That's it!
On a 'fancier' day I'll include foundation, eye liner, and more eye shadow than usual... 10 minutes TOPS!
* Hair~ When my make-up is done, my hair is fairly dry and you'll have amazing volume after it being in a towel on top of your head for 10-15 minutes! Some mousse and oil, blow dry, straighten... DONE! 15 minutes TOPS! Keeping my hair stuff in the half bath downstairs allows me to oversee the kids while they eat breakfast or get ready for school while I get ready.
And I'm done.
Now c'mon... a pony tail?! Every day?!
If your hair is tough or mornings are just too much, try a cute top-knot, braid, or headband... all super cute and can do wonders to just make you feel like YOU!
I wash my hair about 2-3 times a week, depending on what we have going on that week... on my 'off' days, dry shampoo is my LIFESAVER! A few sprays on day or 2-old hair, flip it over, blow dry and brush for a couple minutes and you're done!
* Fashion~ Spring and Summer are the easiest and most fun time of year to enjoy fun fashion! You can get away with a simple, cute sun dress and flip flops... capri pants, a simple top, and fun jewelry... or cute shorts, a colorful patterned shirt, and a few signature jewelry pieces! We all have every one of those items in our closets!
Andi took these photos this past Spring so while it may be too hot where you are for some of what I'm wearing, the main point is how simple yet classy and put together you can look with little effort, using what's in your closet, or by getting a few inexpensive basics for your wardrobe!
Every day fashion;

Camo pants: WalMart $13
Basic white slouchy 3/4 sleeve T: Target $8 (on sale)
Camo Flats: Target $6 (clearance section)
I stick to just a few select places when it comes to jewelry... mainly because they offer HUGE coupons regularly and offer extra discounts on already-reduced jewelry! And remember to LAYER... colors and textures don't really matter anymore; layer layer layer!
Where to shop;
* Stein Mart is my favorite for jewelry... they ALWAYS have a coupon and ALWAYS offer extra discounts on their clearance jewelry! It's worth a trip in to peek once a month and I promise you'll come out with some amazing bling!
* Belk or other large department stores... Department stores often offer significant coupons monthly but also tend to offer HUGE extra discounts on their clearance jewelry, too! I have a big collection of designer jewelry and have paid as low as $0.01 for quite a bit of it due to these extra discounts!

No matter your age, never be afraid to browse through the junior section of ANY store! Dresses, shirts, and capris often fit MUCH better in a larger junior size than in women's sizes... I will never judge an 'older' woman looking through the junior aisles... just be sure your clothes FIT ;-)
Patterned Top; Target $10 (on sale)
Navy Heels; Marshalls $20 (on sale)
That's it, Mamas! I would love to see more Mamas spend a little more time on themselves... make it a challenge; 2 days a week is a great start! I love that Hannah can see me with a healthy balance of 'casual' and 'confident'.... and that Joey can see me in that same balance!
NOW... for some REAL fashion expertise, head over to these ladies' blogs and see what they have to say... they're the pros and I LOVE following their trends!
Jaime from Sunflowers and Stilettos
Bri from Just Bri
Andi took all of the beautiful photos from my post and from Jaime and Bri's, too... be sure to follow My Beautiful Adventures... Andi is an amazing photographer, avid traveller, has an impecable sense of fashion, and has taught me so much about Chinese medicine... she's the whole package!
I usually love your sweet and approachable writing style, but seriously- this post came off judgemental and I'm sorry to say super snobby to me. Expecting that everyone can do their hair in so little time is ridiculous. I have curly hair, fixing it in under an hour isn't possible for me. Guess I'm just a lazy frumpy housewife for wearing a top knot Monday-Friday.
ReplyDeleteI speak honestly and love getting it in return ;-) Of course I'm speaking to women with straight hair... and could never speak to someone with curly hair! And I did edit to include top-knots... super cute and great point! Thanks :-)
ReplyDeletePart 1: Definitely a risky post. I totally understand the point of women doing something for themselves...I do mental health work, for crying out loud, and one of the things I see the most is women who have lost themselves so much in being a mom and wife that they wind up 50-something-and-depressed. I teach women the importance of doing something that makes them feel good about themselves...take a cake-decorating-class, take up running, go to the gym, go back to school, serve at the old-folks' home. That being said, we all have our things. I, for one, can be dressed up as cute as the next girl when I really care to, but the thing is, I don't really care. That's not to be mistaken with I don't like to look cute or that I like to look frumpy, because anyone who knows me would probably say that I usually look decent-enough, I'm just not high maintenance in the appearance department. I knew a lady who posed the same question as you: "Why do some moms stay in their sweats all day? There's much to be done, so get up and get on with it," she said! I was dressed to kill, decked out with makeup at the moment, and she had no idea that I am one of those moms. It later turned out this particular lady struggled with anxiety, and I partly blame it on a syndrome that I also see a lot of in the counseling chair, in which EVERYTHING, including themselves and their children, has to look perfect ALL THE TIME.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I'd rather sit down and eat breakfast with the kiddos than put my makeup on for the day. I used to put it on and my husband would say, "Why do you put that crap on your face?" And I am so glad I married a man like that, because I don't like to put it on OR wash it off at the end of the day.
Part 2: I don't blame it on the children...I blame it on liking to be comfortable. And when I am scrubbing toilets, doing dishes, or folding laundry, my sweat shorts are my best buddy. I get home from work or church or wherever, and you better believe I stick those sweat shorts and t-shirt back on! I am sure there are many women in my neighborhood who suppose all I own is sweat shorts, and I don't really mind. They all look dressed to kill And to me, it looks exhausting. And maybe they simply like to dress up, but to me, I think, "Would you not feel good about yourself if you didn't do that?" I realize that could be reverse judgment on my part, because I like myself plain as God made me, and I like myself dressed to kill. Either way works for me. And sometimes it makes me less "friend-able" in a town where people dress like movie stars every day, but I'm okay with that, too. If my outwards appearance is what determines my friendability, I'd rather wait for the sweat-pant-mommas-at-the-park who are kindred spirits anyway. Sometimes I dress up for church, and sometimes I dress up for work, and sometimes I can go a month with no make-up at all. And I'm perfectly happy with that.
ReplyDeleteTo each their own. I think of the story of Mary and Martha, and how Martha complained to Jesus that while she was preparing the meal, Mary sat at Jesus's feet and listened to his stories. I can just hear it. "My lazy sister, Lord! She is relaxing while I'm slaving over this meal!" And Jesus said, "Martha, you are worried about many things, but Mary has chosen the good part" (and basically), "I would not take this moment from her." We each have our strengths and our preferences, and things that make us precious to the Lord. He knows our hearts, our desires, our pains. He knows that some women enjoy the prettier things, and some women are comfortable being "the girl next door."
I think you are darling. I often see beautiful, trendy women like yourself and think, "She always looks so cute!" But I also think to myself, "It's not important enough to me to spend the time to look that way every day!" And I know there are probably a good mix of Marys and Marthas when it comes to makeup and fashion!
I'm loving your perspective too! Thanks :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you X a million for your sweet words about me! I'm SO touched!!! I agree, it's beyond important to take time for yourself, especially when you're a Mom.
ReplyDeleteLove you, girl!
DeleteI think you look BEAUTIFUL!! I'm not quite sure why so many are getting defensive, unless they have recently been called out...?! Anyway, I agree with you completely! I'm gonna give the whole showering at night thing a shot too!